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Whole Wheat Cinnamon Apple Buns

721 users have voted.

Thank you all for your kind words about my little ones health, he is feeling much better now and he's back to school!
weekend ahead of us and what better way to start a Saturday or Sunday
morning but with a hot, gooey, fragrant, caramelized apple cinnamon bun?
You don't need a glaze with these cinnamon buns, just serve them upside
down and enjoy!
Here you go, help your self...

Ingredients (12 rolls)

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Greek Yogurt Cheese Pies (Kourou Tiropitakia)

841 users have voted.
Welcome! Summer is here! I’m chilling under the sun and I swear I can smell the sea.. Mind games. I decide that I have the sea within me. First day of Summer I hope you’re having the fun you deserve. Today I;m going to give you the best recipe (thus far)  for Greek Cheese Pies (kourou) that I have come up with.

Greek Yogurt Cheese Pies (Kourou Tiropitakia)

1063 users have voted.
Welcome!Summer is here!I’m chilling under the sun and I swear I can smell the sea..Mind games.I decide that I have the sea within me.First day of Summer I hope you’re having the fun you deserve.Today I;m going to give you the best recipe (thus far)  for Greek Cheese Pies (kourou) that I have come up with.

Bougatsa with sweet Custard (Greek Sweet phyllo pie)

403 users have voted.

It's me!
For all of those who wonder where I've been, my Greek Food Blog is taking most of my time, if you guys want to see more recipes from me you can follow my Greek blog which is been updated 3 times a week. I know that it's weird using the translate button, but anyways, if you want take a look you're so welcome!

Bougatsa with sweet Custard (Greek Sweet phyllo pie)

463 users have voted.
It's me!For all of those who wonder where I've been, my Greek Food Blog is taking most of my time, if you guys want to see more recipes from me you can follow my Greek blog which is been updated 3 times a week.

Chocolate Waffles and Homemade Chocolate Syrup

426 users have voted.

 Waffles are a standard breakfast and - or evening treat that Greeks
use to eat on their vacations in the islands. I have no idea why this is
happening, of course waffles are delicious but having waffles on
vacations has become almost a tradition for most of the Greeks and
waffles are not a greek delicacy.
Anyway, we love them, I don't

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