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Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake

275 users have voted.

"A great alternative to pumpkin pie, especially for those cheesecake fans out there.

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Alice in Wonderland cheesecake

292 users have voted.

Photography by Brett StevensEnjoy this Alice in Wonderland-inspired cheesecake and set the table for a tea party beyond your wildest dreamsTo prep 1:00  -  To cook  1:40  -  8 ServingIngredients:150g frozen raspberries, thawed250g white chocolate melts1kg full-fat cream cheese, softened330g (1 1/2 cups) caster sugar1 tsp vanilla extract4 eggsRed and

No-Bake Spiderweb Cheesecake

333 users have voted.

Innocents are snared easily by a ganache spiderweb. Spun by a gumdrop spider with limber licorice-string legs, the web is draped over a dangerously addictive and creamy no-bake cheesecake.

Cheese cake Νέας Υόρκης

424 users have voted.

Για τη βάση 12 μπισκότα Digestive (200 γρ.) τριμμένα 100 γρ. Flora Soft με βούτυρο 1 αυγό χτυπημένο 1 ασπράδι αυγού 1 καψούλι βανίλιας 60 γρ. ζάχαρηΓια τη γέμιση 225 γρ.

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