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No-Bake Spiderweb Cheesecake

333 users have voted.

Innocents are snared easily by a ganache spiderweb. Spun by a gumdrop spider with limber licorice-string legs, the web is draped over a dangerously addictive and creamy no-bake cheesecake. Candy spiders make a creepy garnish.Candy Spiders:Makes 8 SpidersCandy Spiders Ingredients:8 large black gumdrops8 Crows black licorice drops16 white nonpareils8 black licorice laces, cut into 2 1/2-inch piecesCandy Spiders Directions:1) Cut a sliver off top of each gumdrop to expose sticky interior. Repeat with black licorice drops.

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