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182 users have voted.

Άλλο ένα φρούτο που κυριαρχεί αυτή την εποχή! Σας προτείνω μια εύκολη και γρήγορη λύση που θα συνοδέψει ευχάριστα το απογευματινό σας ρόφημα.ΥΛΙΚΑ275γρ. αλεύρι για όλες τις χρήσεις125γρ. ζάχαρη125γρ. βούτυρο παγωμένο κομμένο σε κύβους1 αυγό + 1 κρόκο2-3 κ.γλ. νερό κρύολίγες σταγόνες εσάνς βανίλιας (ή 1 κάψουλα)1 πρέζα αλάτιΓια τη γέμιση:4 κ.σ. μαρμελάδα βερίκοκο ή ροδάκινο60γρ.

Ζυμαρικά-Σπαγγέτι Κασσιατόρε

94 users have voted.

Τα υλικά για το φαγητό μας:
4 μερίδες.

Jack ‘o’ lanterns cake pops

328 users have voted.

Photography by Mark O'MearaOpt for treats at Halloween with this cake pop recipe.To prep 0:30 min  -  To cook 2:00  -  Makes 40Ingredients:583g packet chocolate fudge cake mix1/4 cup (60ml) bought chocolate frosting375g white chocolate meltsOrange food colouring gelEquipment:You will need a black edible ink pen (available from cake decorating suppliers)

Chocolate tarts with spider webs

249 users have voted.

Photography by Amanda McLauchlanBoo!

Frog cupcakes

306 users have voted.

Photography by Ben DearnleyThis is the sort of frog you want in your throat!

Disco-ball cake pops

399 users have voted.

Photography by Mark O'MearaHave a bit of fun in the kitchen with these delicious cake disco morsels.To prep 0:30 mins  -  To cook 2:15  -  Makes 22 Ingredients:340g pkt vanilla butter cake2 tablespoons bought vanilla frosting1/2 cup (125g) m&m’s minis250g white chocolate melts1/2 cup (125g) 100 & 1000’sEquipment:You will need lol

Alice in Wonderland cheesecake

293 users have voted.

Photography by Brett StevensEnjoy this Alice in Wonderland-inspired cheesecake and set the table for a tea party beyond your wildest dreamsTo prep 1:00  -  To cook  1:40  -  8 ServingIngredients:150g frozen raspberries, thawed250g white chocolate melts1kg full-fat cream cheese, softened330g (1 1/2 cups) caster sugar1 tsp vanilla extract4 eggsRed and


492 users have voted.
Εγώ θα τις έλεγα απλά πατάτες αλά κρεμ αλλά για να τις λέει ο Jamie Oliver ντοφινουάζ κάτι παραπάνω θα ξέρει.

Chocolate crackle spiders

241 users have voted.

Photography by Prudence MillerEveryone loves a chocolate crackle, and on Halloween, if you conjure up these spiders, your kids will think you're magic!To prep 0:30 mins  -  To cook 0:50 mins  -  Makes 12Ingredients:70g (2 cups) Rice Bubbles120g (2/3 cup) icing sugar mixture35g (1/2 cup) shredded coconut1 tbs cocoa powder, sifted140g copha20g (1/4 cup) sh

Witch's hat cookies

216 users have voted.

Photography by Cath MuscatGet into the Halloween spirit with these fright night witch's hat cookies.To cook 1:20  -  Makes 12Ingredients:2/3 cup plain flour1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar2 tablespoons cocoa powder60g butter, chopped1 egg yolk375g packet milk chocolate melts, melted12 mini ice-cream cones1/3 cup M&Ms minisDirections:1) Process flour, sugar, cocoa


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by Dr. Radut