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Lamb with Greens (Fricassee)

640 users have voted.
Super Easy and delicious classic Greek dish.You can use any kind of greens that you like ( spinach, kale, etc) although traditionally it is made using romaine lettuce and wild greens.Say hello to Spring with this wonderful classic!Ingredients (5-6 servings)800 g lamb cut into pieces (shoulder blade or arm chops bone in)3 tablespoons olive oil6 - 8 green onions, chopped1 red onion, chopped2 stalks celery, chopped2 cloves garlic minced4 romaine lettuce heads roughly chopped(remove outer leaves)1/2 bunch of parsley, finely choppedSalt - Pepper1 egg yolk and one whole egg1 lemon2 tablespoons yog
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Lamb with Greens (Fricassee)

966 users have voted.
Super Easy and delicious classic Greek dish.You can use any kind of greens that you like ( spinach, kale, etc) although traditionally it is made using romaine lettuce and wild greens.Say hello to Spring with this wonderful classic!Ingredients (5-6 servings)800 g lamb cut into pieces (shoulder blade or arm chops bone in)3 tablespoons olive oil6 - 8 green onions, chopped1 red onion, chopped2 stalks

Roast Lamb With Herbs and Potatoes

467 users have voted.

Hello there friends! You can’t go more traditional than this..
not the typical traditional type of a Greek woman at all, let me tell
you..  When I was living in Greece, I never danced a traditional dance
(although I know how to dance, seriously I have no idea how that
happened) and I don’t listen to Greek music. I love changing the

Roast Lamb With Herbs and Potatoes

245 users have voted.
Hello there friends! You can’t go more traditional than this.. I’m not the typical traditional type of a Greek woman at all, let me tell you..  When I was living in Greece, I never danced a traditional dance (although I know how to dance, seriously I have no idea how that happened) and I don’t listen to Greek music.

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1 | by Dr. Radut