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Red Lentil Soup with Bacon and Potatoes

176 users have voted.

I love red lentils ( I have no idea why they call them red, they’re
clearly orange), they  have a delicate subtle flavor and the fact that
they are hulled makes them cook really fast. Too bad they don’t keep
this amazing orange color after cooking.
I started doing this
recipe last winter, it’s an idea from Foodnetwork Magazine. I tried
making this recipe both with brown lentils and yellow split peas, yellow
split peas are working fine, brown lentils not so much. They have too

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Pumpkin Meatball Soup

302 users have voted.

Hello there friends!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend, the weather
here was so nice and we had the chance to visit The Toronto's Black
Creek Pioneer Village, you will see some pictures at the end of the
Now this wonderful soup that I have  today is inspired by a Greek meatball soup and it;s soooo good!

Pumpkin Meatball Soup

351 users have voted.
Hello there friends!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend, the weather here was so nice and we had the chance to visit The Toronto's Black Creek Pioneer Village, you will see some pictures at the end of the post.Now this wonderful soup that I have  today is inspired by a Greek meatball soup and it;s soooo good!We're going to have this soup at our table all winter long!

Red Lentil Soup with Bacon and Potatoes

220 users have voted.
I love red lentils ( I have no idea why they call them red, they’re clearly orange), they  have a delicate subtle flavor and the fact that they are hulled makes them cook really fast. Too bad they don’t keep this amazing orange color after cooking.I started doing this recipe last winter, it’s an idea from Foodnetwork Magazine.

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1 | by Dr. Radut