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Witch's hat cookies

213 users have voted.

Photography by Cath MuscatGet into the Halloween spirit with these fright night witch's hat cookies.To cook 1:20  -  Makes 12Ingredients:2/3 cup plain flour1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar2 tablespoons cocoa powder60g butter, chopped1 egg yolk375g packet milk chocolate melts, melted12 mini ice-cream cones1/3 cup M&Ms minisDirections:1) Process flour, sugar, cocoa and butter until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add egg yolk. Process until dough just comes together, adding 2 teaspoons of cold water if necessary. Turn pastry onto a lightly floured surface.

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Happy New Year Everyone!! It’s still January isn’t it?
I wish to all of you all the happiness in the world, may this year be the happiest so far!

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