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Disco-ball cake pops

398 users have voted.

Photography by Mark O'MearaHave a bit of fun in the kitchen with these delicious cake disco morsels.To prep 0:30 mins  -  To cook 2:15  -  Makes 22 Ingredients:340g pkt vanilla butter cake2 tablespoons bought vanilla frosting1/2 cup (125g) m&m’s minis250g white chocolate melts1/2 cup (125g) 100 & 1000’sEquipment:You will need lolly-pop sticks for this recipe and a block of oasis or polystyrene.Directions:1) Preheat the oven to 180C.

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346 users have voted.
ΤΟΥΡΤΑ ΠΕΙΡΑΤΕΣ!!!!!Φέτος, στα 5α γενέθλια του βαφτιστικού μου, αποφασίσαμε να γίνουμε όλοι πειρατές!!!!

Ghoulish Petits Fours

155 users have voted.

For witch hats, make petits fours through step two. Then create a brim using a dab of icing: Affix each petit four to a 2-to-2 1/2-inch chocolate wafer cookie. Proceed to step three, coating with Chocolate Glaze instead of  Butter Glaze.

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1 | by Dr. Radut